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1.  How can PSYCH-K help me?

PSYCH-K is a process that resolves the inner conflicts that hold us back from living fulfilling lives by re- scripting our subconscious beliefs.


2. What can I expect in our first session?

We will discuss the presenting problem and come up with "Goal Statements," that we will use as a framework of our work.  Then, we will work with the subconscious mind to rescript what you want instead.


3.  How long is the appointment?

Appointments are between 60-75 minutes.  The first appointment may be longer.


4.  Can you work remotely?

Yes! Sessions can be done in-person, by phone or via Zoom, Skype, or FaceTime.


5.  Why can't I buy just one session?

PSYCH-K® is a process.  You may notice shifts and changes in our first session; however,  keep in mind that even building muscles takes more than one day at the gym.










**DISCLAIMER**  PSYCH-K® is not designed to diagnose, treat, cure any medical problems.  It is always recommended to seek medical treatment if necessary. 




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